October 26, 2019 – Chance the Rapper (S45 E4) [THROWBACK REVIEW]

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another installment of Season 45 Random Reviews. I wasn’t initially planning on doing more than one per week, but my gut is telling me I should write a review, so I’m gonna listen to that gut. Now, I’m still not sure if I want to review every episode from this season, so when the time is right, I’m gonna do more of these random episode reviews until I come to a conclusion.

Now, it took me some time to decide which episode I want to review. And after picking an episode out of a hat (not literally), I decided to go for the Chance the Rapper episode. Not sure why I went for that one, but there are a few sketches from that episode that I’ve seen that I’d like to talk about, so I’m left curious. It also helps that I remember liking Chance’s first episode, and I find him to be very fun and likable, so I think I’m gonna like this one. Only one way to find out, though, so let’s get to it.

Cold Open – Trump Rally

  • (*groan*) Baldwin’s Trump.
  • Boy, Alec is mugging up a storm during his dialogue.
  • Chloe looks rather sexy in that dress.
  • What the hell are all the background extras saying in unison?
  • Cecily using the same voice she uses for a lot of her roles.
  • Didn’t care for Cecily’s Mickey Mouse joke.
  • I don’t like how Chloe is pretty much stuck in a thankless role.
  • Not caring for Aidy’s dialogue.
  • Ugh, Kate’s Lindsey Graham.
  • Oh God, now we get Graham doing a soliloquy? Make it stop!
  • Well, at least we have Alex’s Mark Zuckerberg to give this monologue some life.
  • Unfortunately, Alex couldn’t manage to save this open for me.
  • Now we get the return of Darrell Hammond as Bill Clinton.
  • Oh God, now we get Fred Armisen making his bazillionth cameo after leaving the show.
  • Fred’s just using the same voice we see him use for a lot of other foreign political figures. At this point, he can pretty much play this role in his sleep.
  • This cold open is going on forever!
  • Finally, it’s over. Oof. Fuck this open, to say the least.

Rating: *


  • Fun energetic entrance from Chance.
  • Amusing opening bit from Chance about Chicago teachers going on strike.
  • I’m finding myself actually enjoying Chance’s song so far, and there are a lot of good lyrics.
  • Kyle rapping never fails to be funny.
  • A lot of funny examples of Chance and Kyle preferring the second-best over the actual best.
  • A funny exchange between Chance and Kyle: Kyle: “Do you think I could be on your next album?” Chance: “No.”
  • I still don’t like whenever a double-duty host ends their monologue with “I’m here”.

Rating: ***½

League of Legends World Championship

  • Looks like we’re getting a follow-up to the Sports Reporter sketch from Chance’s first episode, judging from the setup.
  • Andrew Dismukes sighting!
  • As usual, Chance is a lot of fun in this role.
  • Great bit with Chance refusing to describe what happened in a previous round.
  • Chance is so good here that I don’t mind his slight breaking.
  • Much like the first installment, the material is nothing special on paper, but Chance’s performance makes it way better than it has any right to be.
  • Great facial expression from Bowen.
  • Bowen’s great as a typical nerd.
  • Chloe’s great as a fangirl, and I love how we’re seeing both her and Bowen side-by-side.
  • The awkward silence after Chloe leaves is making me laugh.

Rating: ****

First Impressions Court

  • Okay, even though I haven’t seen this episode in its entirety, I have seen these next three sketches, so chances are I’m probably gonna give these a high grade. We’ll see.
  • Great makeup job on Chance.
  • A fun conceit to this sketch, with Chance as a judge who takes no more than ten seconds to decide the verdict.
  • Great reveal of the title.
  • Kenan’s look is reminding me of the Cast List sketch from this season.
  • Fun performance from Chance.
  • The scene with Aidy and Chris made me laugh.
  • A huge laugh from Chance banging his gavel before Beck can even finish describing the plaintiff, played by Kyle.
  • Great entrance from Bowen as a male exotic dancer, and I love how you can hear Chance about to crack up during his verdict.
  • Ha, Chance actually DOES crack up.
  • Hilarious fake-out with Mikey and Melissa’s seemingly-normal characters, only for it to turn out that the latter has had some of her teeth pulled out.
  • Ha, now we get a Jason Momoa cameo. Awesome!
  • This whole scene with Jason is freakin’ HILARIOUS.
  • Overall, a perfect and underrated gem.

Rating: *****

Tasty Toaster Tarts

  • Ah, here’s a sketch that I recall loving when I first saw it on YouTube last summer. Granted, I haven’t seen it in a while, so I hope it lives up to my positive memories.
  • Another fun performance from Chance tonight.
  • I love how Chance couldn’t come up with a better lie for his parents’ absence other than that they’re “on vacation”.
  • I love all the subtle hints that Chance might have killed his parents, all of which we’re seeing while Chance is listing more junk products.
  • Chance’s deliveries of “No” and “No it’s not” really made me laugh.
  • Mikey: “What’s in the fridge, Jason?” Chance: “Nobody is.”
  • A great turn with this ad suddenly turning lighthearted.
  • A fantastic ending visual of a bloody handprint on the toaster.
  • Overall, this sketch definitely lived up to my positive memories.

Rating: *****

Graveyard Ghosts

  • Here’s another sketch I recall loving. We’ll see if that still rings true.
  • Kenan singing never fails to be funny.
  • There goes Aidy using that exaggerated British accent AGAIN.
  • Hilarious how Chance wants to be skipped.
  • Impressive visual effects of the clouds displaying visuals of how everyone died.
  • Chance continues to be solid, as he’s very fun in this role.
  • Kenan’s delivery of “It is not” made me laugh.
  • Hilarious description from Chance as to how he died.
  • Great cutaway to the nodding owl.
  • I love everyone’s reaction to Chance’s verse.
  • Overall, a true hidden gem.

Rating: ****½

Musical Performance – “Zanies and Fools”

  • Interesting intro as Chance introduces himself in the third person.
  • Nice visuals before Chance even starts rapping.
  • Nice use of a full orchestra.
  • I’m loving Chance’s high-energy rapping.
  • I love the purple lights throughout the performance.
  • Great dancing from Chance’s backup dancers.
  • I’m running out of ways to praise this performance more than I already have.
  • I love Chance’s singing of “impossible”.

Rating: ****

Weekend Update

  • Another solid opening spiel from Colin, this time on the subject of Trump’s real-life tweets.
  • Solid rant from Michael about Giuliani.
  • As always, I’m a sucker for Colin and Michael’s various Mitch McConnell jokes.
  • Always nice to see Mikey and Alex’s Trump brothers.
  • I love Alex’s smug deliveries of “I had to go” and “I still lay down”.
  • Alex continues to kill it throughout this commentary.
  • Alex’s whole Kamala bit is very solid.
  • I love the part where Alex makes a face on his new pin toy.
  • I liked Michael’s whole Kanye bit.
  • Michael’s Mayflower joke was very solid.

Rating: ****

Love at First Sight

  • Cecily looks great in that dress.
  • The line “Give him a chance, Jennifer” made me chuckle, for obvious reasons.
  • Another solid performance from Chance tonight.
  • A fun portion with Chance and Cecily hovering.
  • A funny blooper with the wires being swayed the wrong way at first.
  • Ha, I love how Chance is now starting to break after that aforementioned blooper.
  • Now this sketch is starting to go hilariously off the rails.
  • Fun part with Chance sinking after being kissed by Cecily.
  • Is this whole portion with Cecily trying to find her purse ad-libbed?
  • Man, all the breaking is very fun to watch.
  • Great ending.

Rating: ****

Space Mistakes

  • Great visual quality to this short.
  • Solid dramatic acting from Ego.
  • Funny visual of Kyle exploding.
  • I’m getting pretty good laughs from all the mistakes being made by everyone at NASA.
  • Overall, this was good, but not as good as I thought it would be.

Rating: ***½

Dazzle Designs

  • Uh-oh. A sketch starring Aidy and Kate front-and-center? Well, THIS certainly spells doom.
  • Oh God, right off the jump, these two ALREADY feel the need to break.
  • Not caring for Kate’s delivery.
  • Ugh, and now we get them singing.
  • Uh-oh, I’m getting flashbacks to the Hotel Ad sketch from the recent Billie Eilish episode.
  • Well, at least we have Chance here to help add some life to this sketch.
  • What exactly is this sketch GOING for? This feels way too self-amused.
  • I did get a chuckle from Chance’s “those farts are coming out of your mouth” line.
  • Overall, I barely got any laughs from this sketch. Leave it to Aidy and Kate to ruin the perfect streak of sketches this episode had been building up.

Rating: *½

Musical Performance – “Handsome”

  • Ha, we get Jason Momoa introducing the second performance. Love that.
  • Great staging.
  • Nice chorus.
  • I like Chance’s singing here. Not sure if I like it more or less than his rapping.
  • Oh joy, Megan Thee Stallion.
  • Well, at least Megan is giving her all in this performance.

Rating: ***

Dance Rehearsal

  • Mixed feelings on how this’ll turn out.
  • What the hell is with the turn with Kenan being scared of the full moon?
  • A good laugh from the visual of Kenan in those bushy eyebrows.
  • Kenan seems like he’s about to crack up.
  • Solid straight man delivery from Chance.
  • The visuals of Kenan getting harrier and harrier are getting more funny as they go along.
  • I got a good laugh from the moment where Kenan kills Chloe.

Rating: ***

Cut For Time: 80s Drug PSA

  • Already off to a good start with Kenan and Chance’s characters.
  • A good turn with Kenan and Chance kinda being into the drug they say they’re against.
  • I’m getting mild laughs from the material in this sketch.
  • Overall, this was decent, but not as good as I thought it would be.

Rating: ***

Final Thoughts

  • While not as good as the preceding David Harbour episode, this was still a very solid Season 45 episode. Chance the Rapper was once again a very solid host, and there was a lot of high-quality material throughout the entire night. In fact, every rated segment from League of Legends World Championship to Love at First Sight received a rating in the 4-5 star range. The really bad segments will hurt this episode’s average a little bit (looking at you, Trump Rally and Dazzle Designs), but not too much, given how much high ratings were given.
  • With this being the third episode this season that I felt positive about while reviewing it, it has finally made me come to a decision: I’m gonna review all the episodes from this season when I have the time. I think it feels right, given how much I’ve been enjoying what I’ve seen so far. That is, unless One SNL A Day 2.0 starts posting them this month. In that case, I’m screwed.

Rating: ***½

Well, that’s all for now. I’m Jesse Nathan, saying “I ain’t ‘fraid of no sleep, I ain’t ‘fraid of no bed”.

11 thoughts on “October 26, 2019 – Chance the Rapper (S45 E4) [THROWBACK REVIEW]

  1. Another solid review. Too bad the dogshit cold open and our weekly Kaidy wackyfest will drag down the average of an otherwise fun episode. Chance did great once again, although I would probably rank this hosting stint higher than his 1st, as it had more fun sketches, and it’s one of those episodes that shows how much more refreshing current SNL is compared to the previous era. This episode, aside from the funny Chance character and our usual Kaidy cringefest, consisted entirely of fun, solid, premise-driven, and creative one-off pieces that epitomize why this era is generally very solid to me and many others. I mean, there are hardcore SNL nerds that stopped watching during the Wiig era and now returned due to this era being creative and taking chances.

    A great decision by the way that you just made, even when I highly doubt any other episode will be as strong as Adam’s this season, aside from maybe Scarlett’s episode, and that one might reach an 8.0 average or very slightly less, as it had six standout pieces, including an ALL-TIME favorite pretape of mine (you’ll know it when you see it). One more thing, I HIGHLY doubt that the people back at the site will release the new reviews this soon, and even when they do, you’ll probably be done with over half this season. This was such a solid year for SNL, too bad they bombed it in 46. As for 45, I won’t be shocked if the segments that you rate 4.5/5 and 5/5 reach 40+. This season has the 2nd most segments that I would rate above 4 stars, with 25 4.5/5 pieces and 21 pieces rated 5/5. Current season has 25 and I would predict around 10 or so more. I’m betting on 22 4.5/5 and 16 5/5 in my personal total segments. Great job once again.


  2. Cold Open *** (Unpopular opinion: I understand why people don’t like Alec’s Trump and Trump in general, but I actually enjoy his impression)
    Monologue ****
    Legends of League World Championship ***½
    First Impressions Court ****
    Tasty Toaster Tarts ***** (hats off to the writers for thinking of so many snack names)
    Graveyard Ghosts ***½
    Weekend Update ***
    Love at First Sight ***
    Space Mistakes ****½
    Dazzle Designs **
    Dance Rehearsal ****
    CFT: 80s Drug PSA **½

    P.S. Love your taglines. I wish I could do one, but I got to go eat some mac and cheese from Thanksgiving. Bye!


      1. “Monologue: ***½“ ??? By the way, I’m happy that you gave some well-deserved love to First Impressions Court, Tasty Toaster Tarts, and the hidden gem Graveyard Ghosts.


  3. By the way, Jesse, I have a weird question: what are the views on your blog so far? I’m pretty sure they’re quite solid, yet I cannot tell if you share these blog posts on Twitter like I do ( here’s my account by the way @IMH_5), as my blog is nearly above 2000 views, and increased by nearly 400 in these two weeks. Thanks in advance.


      1. In six months or so, right? Congrats! You should be really proud of yourself. Even without having a Twitter account, you managed to have strong numbers, which I assume increased in their average as the season went along, similar to how how I’m already nearly 200 views this month, and had around 500 or so in February without only two new posts near its end. January had 1000+ views even when I started almost two weeks in. The great people on Twitter greatly helped my blog though, and you too with your constant support and generous calculations. I’ve been getting some high praise from SNL reviewing legends, and I highly advise to join Twitter and contribute to the discussions there. Yet again, you do you.


  4. One more thing: go ahead with your Season 45 reviews, man. It looks like the people at OSNLAD 2.0 will take FOREVER to post theirs. It has been three months since the Rudd episode. THREE FUCKING MONTHS!!! Yes, I know they have kids and obligations, but I did what, like 4 or so reviews in a single day at one point? I did ask them if they needed some new reviewers, as I know you’ll do a killer job, and kinda me too, not to humble brag too much.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Taking a brief break from commenting to just give you ratings, I decided to read your review for this episode and I agree with you on pretty much everything. Chance gave a solid energy to the episode that I very much appreciate. My only real disagreement I have is the cold open which I thought was just fine, and Space Mistakes which kinda slumped for me but not too much, and made the episode, as well as Dazzle Designs, fall off a tiny bit, but quickly came back up for the 10-to-1. Also loved both of Chance’s musical performances, both were lots of fun and had incredible energy. Final thing I have to say is I know for a fact that for some reason they switched the placement of the First Impressions Court and Graveyard Ghosts as I remember watching the episode live, so it’s weird that SNL Archives has that as the official rundown order for the episode, or maybe I have bad memory… I don’t know.


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